
The group Quantum Optics, Quantum Nanophysics and Quantum Information is internationally highly competitive in various quantum research areas. These cover experimental and theoretical research in foundations of quantum physics, quantum optics, quantum information, strongly correlated quantum systems as well as molecular quantum nanophysics.

The experimental groups (Markus Arndt, Markus Aspelmeyer, Thomas Juffmann, Nikolai Kiesel, Philip Walther and Anton Zeilinger) run more than a dozen state-of-the-art laboratories on topics related to the foundations of quantum physics, quantum physics with photons, molecules, clusters, nanoparticles and nano-mechanical systems, as well as quantum information processing in computation, simulation, and communication, and optical precision measurements.

The theoretical groups (Časlav Brukner, Borivoje DakićBeatrix Hiesmayr and Norbert Schuch) focus their research on quantum foundations and quantum information theory, relativistic quantum information and metrology, as well as many-body quantum theory.

The group participates in and coordinates a large number of national and international research projects. Group members have been awarded several excellence grants funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF (START, Wittgenstein, SFB BeyondC) and the European Research Council ERC (Advanced Grants, Consolidator Grants, Starting Grants).

The group’s scientific standing attracts excellent national and international bachelor, master and PhD students who contribute significantly to the group’s high research output as can be seen from the many publications in high-quality and high-visibility journals indexed in scientific databases, including top-rated ones such as Nature, Science or Physical Review Letters.

The close network with the international research community is strengthened by international guest scientists who give lecture courses and presentations for the members of the group on a regular basis.