Talk on "Can Quantum gravity be measured in a laboratory?"

by Akshay Bedhotiya; University of Bonn, GER

Abstract:The recent search for signs of the quantum nature of gravity on laboratory scales has brought up a few questions about the foundations of locally interacting QFTs particularly gauge theories.In particular the recently proposed experiment involving the entanglement between two spatially superposed masses is theorized to distinguish quantum and classical field theories.Here I analyze the setup and the constraints locality brings to the theory to distinguish between a quantum or a yet unknown semiclassical theory of gravity .While some results can be drawn conclusively the measured entanglement from the full quantum theory and the nature of the semiclassical local theory is inconclusive.I make the case that in a local theory the measured value of entanglement can be different from the one proposed in the experiment. 


Host: M. Aspelmeyer

Schrödingerroom, 4th Floor, Boltzmanngasse 5, 1090 Vienna