Open PhD-Positions ...


... in the Schuch-Group: Quantum Information and Quantum Many-Body Physics!

Topics of interest cover the whole range from quantum information and computation to quantum many-body physics, with a focus on tensor networks and related methods.

Research topics covered in our research group include:

  • Theory of Tensor Networks, classification of phases
  • Simulation methods for quantum many-body systems, Tensor Network algorithms
  • Topological order, spin liquids
  • Quantum Algorithms (in particular for NISQ devices and for the simulation of many-body problems)
  • Entanglement Theory
  • Mathematical structure of quantum many-body systems
  • Quantum Complexity Theory

More information on the group and topics can be found on our research pages.

Successful candidates will be associated either with the Faculty of Physics or the Faculty of Mathematics, depending on their background and interests, and become members of the corresponding doctoral schools (the Vienna Doctoral School in Physics or the Vienna School of Mathematics).

Applications should be e-mailed to, Subject: "PhD Application", and should contain (preferably all in one PDF file)

  • a CV (including certificates and grades from bachelor and master studies),
  • a brief cover letter (max. 1 page), explaining the motivation for joining the group,
  • and the contact data of two referees who can provide a letter of recommendation upon request.

Deadline for initial consideration is May 10th, 2021.
Later applications will, however, be considered until the positions are filled.