Due to the current Covid-situation, please don’t forget to wear your FFP2-mask at the Atominstitut and keep a 1-meter-distance during the get-together with coffee and snacks.
Daniele Faccio
(University of Glasgow)
Photon pair correlations: from imaging to spacetime entanglement
Entangled photon pairs are the workhorse for most quantum photonics research labs. Compared to other quantum technologies, photon pairs are easy to generate, they are cheap, they can be plentiful, they are relatively easy to detect and the techniques developed to detect them find applications in many other areas ranging from lidar to new computational imaging approaches.
I will give a brief overview of some of our work in these fields, starting from photon-pair inspired imaging techniques that rely on the ability to efficiently detect the spatial correlations between entangled photon pairs. Examples are a new form of quantum holography and quantum microscopy based on Hong-Ou-Mandel interference, i.e. the coalescence of photons at a beamsplitter.
I will then show how we are using HOM interference to investigate the interplay of non-intertial motion, i.e. rotation and entanglement.
MONDAY, 30h May 2022,
17:15 get-together with coffee and snacks
Main Lecture Hall at TU Wien, Atominstitut, Stadionallee 2, 1020 Vienna
The seminar talk will be preceded by a VCQ Student talk at 17:45 by
Lukas Rachbauer
TU Wien
"Fisher Information for Optimal Sensing and Particle Manipulation”
Host: Stefan Rotter
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