New publication on "Underdamped stochastic heat engine at maximum efficiency" appeared in EPL
A team of researchers at the TU Delft and the University of Vienna now demonstrate a new level of quantum control over vibrations using laser pulses.
Our Comment on “Peres experiment using photons: No test for hypercomplex (quaternionic) quantum theories” appeared in Physical Review A.
New publication on "Macroscopic Superpositions as Quantum Ground States" appeared in Physical Review Letters.
Our Numerical Investigation of Photon-Pair Generation in Periodically Poled MTiOXO4 (M=K, Rb, Cs; X=P, As) appeared in Physical Review Applied.
PhysikerInnen messen physikalische Eigenschaften von Vitaminen
In der Quantenphysik breiten sich unbeobachtete Teilchen wie ausgedehnte Wellen im...