
08.03.2024 14:15

The geometry of neuronal population dynamics and scaling of its dimensionality using cellular resolution cortex-wide recording of neuroactivity


International Day of Women and Girls in Science took place on 11 February, and we continue to celebrate.

14.02.2024 10:00

Stochastic thermodynamics and information theory &
Thermodynamic inequalities

13.02.2024 11:00

Dr. Hanna Le Jeannic will give a talk on Tuesday, 13.02.2024 at 11.00, titled "Photon-photon interactions using single quantum emitters in...

30.01.2024 16:30

Prof. Gia Dvali will give a talk on Tuesday, 30.01.2024 at 16.30, titled "Saturons"

29.01.2024 17:00

Lithium niobate on Insulator and Beyond: Overcoming Fabrication Challenges for Integrated and Flat Photonics