The group “Quantum Optics, Quantum Nanophysics and Quantum Information” is internationally highly competitive in various quantum research areas covering experimental and theoretical research in foundations of quantum physics, quantum optics, quantum information, strongly correlated quantum systems as well as molecular quantum nanophysics.
Our Numerical Investigation of Photon-Pair Generation in Periodically Poled MTiOXO4 (M=K, Rb, Cs; X=P, As) appeared in Physical Review Applied.
PhysikerInnen messen physikalische Eigenschaften von Vitaminen
In der Quantenphysik breiten sich unbeobachtete Teilchen wie ausgedehnte Wellen im...
First explicit bounds from interference experiments with matter waves
In quantum mechanics particles can behave as waves and take many paths through...
Workshops & Conferences 2025
Quantum Machine Learning Workshop 2025