
Showing entries 1 - 20 out of 1353
Baran, J, Krzemien, W, Parzych, S, Raczyński, L, Bała, M, Coussat, A, Chug, N, Czerwiński, E, Curceanu, CO, Dadgar, M, Dulski, K, Eliyan, K, Gajewski, J, Gajos, A, Hiesmayr, BC, Kacprzak, K, Kapłon, Ł, Klimaszewski, K, Korcyl, G, Kozik, T, Kumar, D, Niedźwiecki, S, Panek, D, Perez del Rio, E, Ruciński, A, Sharma, S, Shivani, Shopa, RY, Skurzok, M, Stępień, E, Tayefiardebili, F, Tayefiardebili, K, Wiślicki, W & Moskal, P 2025, 'Realistic total-body J-PET geometry optimization: Monte Carlo study', Medical Physics, pp. 1-15.,

Mortier, Q, Devos, L, Burgelman, L, Vanhecke, B, Bultinck, N, Verstraete, F, Haegeman, J & Vanderstraeten, L 2025, 'Fermionic tensor network methods', SciPost Physics, vol. 18, 012.,

Pennington, CA, Gaowei, M, Echeverria, EM, Evans-Lutterodt, K, Galdi, A, Juffmann, T, Karkare, S, Maxson, J, van der Molen, SJ, Saha, P, Smedley, J, Stam, WG & Tromp, RM 2025, 'A structural analysis of ordered Cs3Sb films grown on single crystal graphene and silicon carbide substrates', APL Materials , vol. 13, no. 1, 011120.,

Showing entries 1 - 20 out of 1353