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Strauß, M, Shayeghi, A, Mauser, MFX, Geyer, P, Kostersitz, T, Salapa, J, Dobrovolskiy, O, Daly, S, Commandeur, J, Hua, Y, Köhler, V, Mayor, M, Benserhir, J, Bruschini, C, Charbon, E, Castaneda, M, Gevers, M, Gourgues, R, Kalhor, N, Fognini, A & Arndt, M 2023, 'Highly sensitive single-molecule detection of macromolecule ion beams', Science Advances, vol. 9, no. 48, eadj2801.

Hua, Y, Strauss, M, Fisher, S, Mauser, MFX, Manchet, P, Smacchia, M, Geyer, P, Shayeghi, A, Pfeffer, M, Eggenweiler, TH, Daly, S, Commandeur, J, Mayor, M, Arndt, M, Šolomek, T & Köhler, V 2023, 'Giving the Green Light to Photochemical Uncaging of Large Biomolecules in High Vacuum', JACS Au, vol. 3, no. 10, pp. 2790-2799.,

Dadgar, M, Parzych, S, Baran, J, Chug, N, Curceanu, C, Czerwiński, E, Dulski, K, Elyan, K, Gajos, A, Hiesmayr, BC, Kapłon, Ł, Klimaszewski, K, Konieczka, P, Korcyl, G, Kozik, T, Krzemien, W, Kumar, D, Niedzwiecki, S, Panek, D, Perez del Rio, E, Raczyński, L, Sharma, S, Shivani, S, Shopa, RY, Skurzok, M, Stepień, EŁ, Tayefi Ardebili, F, Tayefi Ardebili, K, Vandenberghe, S, Wiślicki, W & Moskal, P 2023, 'Comparative studies of the sensitivities of sparse and full geometries of Total-Body PET scanners built from crystals and plastic scintillators', EJNMMI Physics, vol. 10, no. 1, 62.,

Pires, LB, Goerlich, R, da Fonseca, AL, Debiossac, M, Hervieux, PA, Manfredi, G & Genet, C 2023, 'Optimal Time-Entropy Bounds and Speed Limits for Brownian Thermal Shortcuts', Physical Review Letters, vol. 131, no. 9, 097101.,

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Showing entries 101 - 120 out of 1362